羅尹悦 Lo, Yin-Yueh副教授

Associate Professor

  • 德國自由柏林大學媒體與傳播研究博士
    Dr. phil. in Media and Communication Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
  • 科學傳播、科學新聞、公眾科學理解、跨文化研究
    Science Communication, Science Journalism, Public Understanding of Science, Cross-Cultural Comparisons
  • (02)2236-8225分機83330
  • yylo@mail.shu.edu.tw

  • 德國自由柏林大學媒體與傳播研究博士(2016)
  • 德國歐斯納布魯克大學認知科學碩士(2010)
  • 國立臺灣大學心理學學士(2006)


  • 黃俊儒、羅尹悅(2023)。〈當科學知識遇上意識形態?民眾對於COVID-19 疫情訊息的態度與認知〉,《傳播研究與實踐》,13(1):149-183。
  • 黃俊儒、羅尹悅(2022)。〈從國族化科學到民主化科學之路:台灣科學傳播的發展進程〉,《科技、醫療與社會》,34:197-216。
  • 羅尹悅(2021)。〈台灣科學社群對部落格的想像:同儕交流的延伸、公眾溝通的未滿〉,《資訊社會研究》,40:27-58。
  • Lo, Y.-Y. & Huang, C.-J. (2021). Differences in knowledge, uncertainty, and social context in four medical TV series from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and the United States. Journal of Science Communication, 20 (01): A01. 全文連結
  • Lo, Y.-Y., Huang, C. J., & Peters, H. P. (2019). Do organizational interests interfere with public communication of science? An explorative study of public relations of scientific organizations in Taiwan. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 13 (4): 557-574.
  • Lo, Y.-Y., & Peters, H. P. (2015). Taiwanese life scientists less “medialized” than their Western colleagues. Public Understanding of Science, 24(1): 6-22.


  • 黃俊儒、羅尹悅(2024)。〈你的缺點在我眼中不算什麼:解析公眾對於AI的理解及態度〉。2024年台灣科技與社會研究學會年會,6月22-23日。台東:台東大學。
  • Greussing, E., Guenther, L., Baram-Tsabari, A., Dabran-Zivan, S., Jonas, E., Klein-Avraham, I., Taddicken, M., Beets, B., Brossard, D., Chakraborty, A., Agergaard, T. E., Fage-Butler, A., Huang, C.-J., Nielsen, K. H., Kankaria, S., Lo, Y.-Y., Riedlinger, M., Song, H. (2024). Predicting and Describing the Use of Generative AI in Science-Related Information Search: Insights from a Multinational Survey. Annual Conference of the “Science Communication” Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 6-7 June, Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Lo, Y.-Y. (2023). Image-building by Taiwanese science organizations: A comparison of public universities, private universities and non-university research institutes. Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST 2023), 11-14 April, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • Peters, H. P., Günther, L., & Lo, Y.-Y. (2023). Medialization of science: Evidence from a reanalysis of German surveys of scientists and semi-structured interviews with university public information officers (1983–2014). Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST 2023), 11-14 April, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 羅尹悅、黃俊儒(2022)。〈那年,我們不打的疫苗—政黨屬性與我們的疫苗抉擇〉。2022年台灣科技與社會研究學會年會,9月18-19日。花蓮:國立東華大學。
  • Lo, Y.-Y. (2021). Public communication of science – not a priority of university PR in Taiwan. Online proceedings of the International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST 2020+1), virtual global conference, 26-28 May.
  • Lo, Y.-Y., & Huang, C.-J. (2018). The creation of story authenticity – a case study of the Taiwanese fictional medical program “Wake Up”. Online proceedings of the International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST 18), 3-6 June 2018, Dunedin, New Zealand.
  • Lo, Y.-Y., & Peters, H. P. (2016). Blogging by scientists: a rare and peripheral activity. Online proceedings of the International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST 16), 26-28 April 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.


  • Huang, C.-J., Li, Y.-Y., & Lo, Y.-Y. (2020). Taiwan: From nationalizing science to democratizing science. In T. Gascoigne, B. Schiele, J. Leach, M. Riedlinger, B. V. Lewenstein, L. Massarani, & P. Broks (Eds.), Communicating science: A global perspective (pp. 849-864). Acton: ANU Press. 〈全文連結〉
  • Lo, Y.-Y. (2016). Online communication beyond the scientific community. Scientists’ use of new media in Germany, Taiwan and the United States to address the public. (Ph.D. Dissertation), Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin. 〈全文連結〉


  • 2023-2026 科學新聞與他們的產製:作為科學家與記者建構知識意義的競合領域(國科會優秀年輕學者計畫)
  • 2021-2023 知識溝通的圖像:不同領域學者的知識溝通參與形式與策略,科技部
  • 2019-2021 知識溝通作為公共關係策略的一環:科研組織脈絡中的科學傳播,科技部


  • 2024-2027 Brain Age Prediction – Diagnostic method or reconceptualizing age (NEURON ERA-NET) [神經科學創新與社會倫理的交匯點:腦齡預測作為臨床診斷、亦或老化概念的重構(臺歐盟國合計畫)]
  • 2024-2025 Copy and Paste in (digital) science communication: Practices of Churnalism and attributions of responsibility [複製貼上式的數位科學傳播:業配新聞現象與責任歸屬]
  • 2023-2024 Science information search with AI technologies [運用AI科技搜尋科學資訊]


  • 台灣自由學會理事(2024- )
  • 《中華傳播學刊》執行編輯(2022- )
  • 台灣科學媒體協會常務理事(2021-2023)
  • 《傳播研究與實踐》執行編輯(2019-2021)
  • 國立中正大學博士後研究員(2016-2018)
  • 德國尤利希研究中心研究助理(2009-2014)